Sam's Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Insert and Get Value in MultiSelect Option Set Using C#

A new enhancement in Dynamics CRM is Multiselect Option set. We Insert Value using below code in Multiselect Option set.

Syntax:-  OptionSetValueCollection OPcollection = new OptionSetValueCollection() { new OptionSetValue(<value1>), new OptionSetValue(<value2>)};

OptionSetValueCollection OPcollection = new OptionSetValueCollection() { new OptionSetValue(364760001), new OptionSetValue(364760002)};

Entity _account = new Entity("account");
_account.Attributes["name"] = "multiselect optionset test test";
_account.Attributes["new_myhobby"] = OPcollection;
var guiddata = _orgService.Create(_account);

We can Get Value using below code in Multiselect Option set.

OptionSetValueCollection OptionCollection = (OptionSetValueCollection)entity.Attributes["<FieldName>"];

foreach (var optionSetValue in OptionCollection)
          OptionSetValue opVal = (OptionSetValue)optionSetValue;


OptionSetValueCollection OptionCollection = (OptionSetValueCollection)entity.Attributes["new_myhobby"];
foreach (var optionSetValue in OptionCollection)
          OptionSetValue opVal = (OptionSetValue)optionSetValue;

1 comment:

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