Sam's Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Add a Calculated Date on a Date Field with Workflow

In this article, we will discuss about How to add a Calculated Date on a Date Field with Workflow.

Here I am going to create a new workflow that will trigger on email activity record creation. And it will create a Task with Actual Start Date and Actual End Date. In Actual Start date I will put Current record creation date and in Actual End Date I will put 1-month later date.

So, let's discuss step by step:

1. Create a new workflow e.g. I have created on Email new record creation.

2. Add a step e.g. I have created a new Task in step.

3. Select a Date field e.g. I have selected a field “Actual End”.

4. I want to add 1-month later date, so I am Selecting below Values in Form Assist

   • “Month as 1”
   • “After”
   • “Email” and “Created On”

5. Then click on Add.

6. I am also putting Created on Value inside “Actual Start”.

7. Save and Activate the Workflow.

Now i am going to create an Email record.

After create an Email record, workflow has created a new Task and it is working fine with date values.

Thanks for reading the article. Hope this Article will helpful for you. Cheers!!!

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