Sam's Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Create Ads in Dynamics Portal

Create Ads in Dynamics Portal

Here is an OOB feature to Display Ads on Portal in Dynamics Portals. Here we can create text or image-based ads and have they run in multiple placements In Portal. We can choose release and expiration dates for time-sensitive, scheduled content. Ads can be hyperlinked to any destination and open in the current window or a new window. Advertisements are displayed in the portal via two Dynamics 365 entities: The Ad Placement entity and associated Ad entity.

1.      Create an Ad

Portal ==> Ads ==> New

a.       Put a Name of Ad e.g. Product Advertisment
b.      Select Website e.g. Partner Portal
c.       Publishing State as Published
d.      Also can select Release Date and Expiration Date
e.       Redirect URL to redirect after click on Ad
f.        Put your Content in Content Tab or put image in Image Detail Tab or we can put both.
g.      Save it.

2.      Create an Ad Placement

Portal ==> Ad Placement ==> New

a.       Put a Name of Ad e.g. Product Advertisment
b.      Select Website e.g. Partner Portal
c.       Select Ad inside Ads Subgrid e.g. Product Advertisment
d.      Save it.

                3.   Include created Ad in Web Page

Portal ==> Web Pages ==> Select a Web Page

a.       Inside Content Tab of Web Page (e.g. Product New) Include  an Ad

{% include 'ad' ad_name:'Product Advertisment' %}

Now we can see Ad on the Portal, as I have added on Product entity List

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